The Receivables Management Association is the only professional non-profit organization that establishes and spreads good practices in the debt collection industry in Bulgaria.

The fundament of our activity is to raise the financial culture of the Bulgarian citizens. Through educational programs such as “Mission Paid”, we strive to inform consumers about their rights and obligations in case of delayed payments and we strive to provide clear answers to questions and complaints towards the collection agencies.

Our Association guarantees a fair settlement of relations between creditors and their clients. Therefore, among our main commitments is a clear distinction between ethical, moral and legal standards for carrying out debt collection activities. We adhere to the strict criteria for joining the Association, which ensure that our members comply with legal requirements and apply good practices in accordance with our Code of Ethics. This turns the Receivables Management Association and its members into a symbol of quality service and justice.


In July 2011 five of the largest and well-established companies in the field of receivables management in Bulgaria founded the Association of the Collection Agencies in Bulgaria (ACABG). During the following years more than 10 other companies in the branch have joined ACABG. With their experience, knowledge and market behaviour they have strengthened the important role of the Association as a leading factor in the collector’s business in Bulgaria.

In June 2020 ACABG evolved into the Receivables Management Association. Today it has 15 member companies which cover over 80% of the sector in the country.

The Association is member of the Federation of European National Collection Associations (FENCA) since 2012. FENCA represents the interests of the European debt management business infront of the European institutions and lawmakers since 1993.

FENCA members manage over 75% of debt collection agencies and hold 80% market share in the European Union with over 80,000 employees servicing more than 5 million customers. In Europe the debt collection and management sector is returning annually between EUR 44 and EUR 55 billion in the economy, thus ensuring the liquidity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU.

As of 2015 the Association is a member of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB) and is working active for the implementation of the Confederation's mission, in particular for improving the business climate in the country and increasing the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy.


Since its establishment in 2011 the Receivables Management Association has an increase of nearly 100% of the employees in its member companies - in 2011 they were 600 and as of December 2019 they were nearly 1200.

In 2019 the 19 companies in the Association have processed about BGN 950 million in assigned arrears and thus returned fresh money to the economy. For the same period they bought BGN 1.38 billion bad debt from various institutions.

Statute of RMABG

Members of the Receivables Management Association